
AMDRadeonHD6000系列,是AMD的顯示核心系列產品,研發代號NorthernIslands。核心採用40nm製程。NorthernIslands原來的設計是採用台積電(TSMC)的32nm製程, ...,TheATIAT6000isaversatileamplifierthatcanpowerawiderangeofspeakers.Itisavailablein2,3,4,5,6,and7channelconfigurations,witheach ...,2018年3月9日—TheAT6000isstillratedat300wattsinto8Ohmsand450wattsinto4Ohms.TheATI6000'sarefullybalancedclassA/Bdesignu...

AMD Radeon HD 6000

AMD Radeon HD 6000系列,是AMD的顯示核心系列產品,研發代號Northern Islands。核心採用40nm製程。Northern Islands原來的設計是採用台積電(TSMC)的32nm製程, ...

ATI Amplifier Technologies - AT6000

The ATI AT6000 is a versatile amplifier that can power a wide range of speakers. It is available in 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 channel configurations, with each ...

ATI AT6000 Signature Amplifier Review

2018年3月9日 — The AT6000 is still rated at 300 watts into 8 Ohms and 450 watts into 4 Ohms. The ATI6000's are fully balanced class A/B design using two ...

ATI AT6000 Signature Series Amplifiers

The 6000 series use dual DC servos to track and maintain DC offset. The result: DC in the amplifier's output is reduced to insignificant levels. These ...

Signature Series 6000

2021年6月29日 — 6000 Series amps are rated at 300 Watts RMS from 20Hz to 20kHz with no more than 0.03% THD at 8 ohms with all channels driven and 450 Watts RMS ...

【推荐】ATI 6000系列:创始人签名认证,强悍的功率输出

2022年5月5日 — 今天要说的6000系列,是ATI AB类功放产品里的代表,配置从2声道到7声道,一共包含了AT6002、AT6003、AT6004、AT6005、AT6006、AT6007六款产品。 力量的 ...


標榜「美式肌肉風格」(American Muscle),ATI一直是走勇猛有力的大功率風格,所有ATI擴大機都在南加州的工廠裡面製造。新推出的AT6000後級,現在打出簽名款,由創辦 ...